Sunday Afternoon Mixed League.
        5 - 7 pm until the end of November
        3 - 5 pm from Dec 1 onwards


Ian Davies - 416-450-3379

Rodney Braun - 905-449-3482

1. Skips and Vices will be assigned to teams by the conveners. Other positions will be assigned randomly, and may be juggled around during the season. Number of teams and number of players on each team will be determined by the number of participants.

2. Skips may rotate their team players through Lead, Second, Third (if applicable) and Vice positions during a game at their discretion. For teams with 5 players (Lead, Second, Third, Vice and themselves), Skips may: a) for any end or for the whole game have each player other than themselves deliver 2 rocks and forego delivery of rocks themselves; b) have Third and Vice deliver one rock each while rotating team members other than themselves through Lead, Second, Third and Vice positions each end; or c) have Lead, Second, Vice and themselves deliver 2 rocks each while rotating team members other than themselves through Lead, Second, Third and Vice positions each end. These rules should be applied as fairly as possible amongst the team members during each game.

2. Game will consist of 6 completed ends, or 8 ends if 6 ends are finished within 1.5 hours and both teams are willing. 5 Rock Rule.

3. All ties will be broken by a draw to the button

4. This is not a competitive league, as such we may not keep track of scores nor wins/losses each week at the discretion of the convenors.

5. If you cannot make your game, you are responsible for finding a spare. Spares must be a member of this club and can be found on our website at Go to Member’s Home – League Information – Find a Spare.

6. Coin toss by the vices of each team will determine hammer. Loser of toss choses rock colour

7. Please be at the club, dressed and in the lobby at least 15 minutes before start time.

8. Please keep the speed of play up, as ends are expected to take no more than 15 minutes.  Please review these videos posted on our club website

- Speed of Play tips

- Curling Etiquette 

Mission of the Fenelon Falls Curling Club

Provide a welcoming and friendly environment for recreational and social activities to all ages, abilities, and skill levels.  Promote good sportsmanship, socialization, and skills through development programs.  To foster volunteerism and a sense of ownership and community in all areas, including program development, convening, league, new membership recruitment and leadership.

Mandate of the Fenelon Falls Curling Club

The Fenelon Falls Curling Club is a not-for-profit organization with members from the communities of Fenelon Falls, Coboconk, Kirkfield, Norland, Lindsay, and surrounding areas.  We actively promote fitness for all ages and skill levels and provide instruction from certified in-house coaches as well as set up clinics with the Ontario Curling Association.  We run Learn to Curl Programs to encourage all ages and abilities to get and stay active for life.  We encourage Youth Curling and work in conjunction with our local school boards.    We have eleven different leagues for seniors, youth, women, and men.  We encourage members to join our spring/summer Bocce Ball and golf tournament to keep active and fit all year round.  We plan and host social events at our facility to promote friendship and socialization for all our members.  We encourage our members to volunteer in the community and provide leadership and volunteers whenever needed.  The club is operated entirely by community volunteers.

Did you know we ran a Bocce Ball league this summer? The Fenelon Falls Curling Club, is much more than curling. 🥌
We are a social club, where you can meet friends, and enjoy lots of different activities. Make lasting friendships with fellow members of your community.
bocce 1.bocce 2
bocce 3

#fenelonfalls #explorefenelonfalls #funinfenelon #curling #fenelonfallscurlingclub #ffcc #wintersports #learntocurl #itscooltocurl #curler #registration #kawarthalakes #community #curlingcanada #curlingteam #curlinglife #curlingclub #curlingstone #social

2022 50/50 Draws
Following up on the very successful campaign in 2021, the Ontario Curling Association will be re-launching the 50/50 draws on January 11th with the following draws:
#1        January 11 – February 28th
            Early Bird Draw - $1,500 on January 31st
#2        March 1st – April 30th
            Early Bird Draw - $1,500 on March 30th
#3        May 1st – August 31st
            Early Bird Draws - $1,500 on June 30th and July 31st
#4        November 1st – December 31
            Early Bird Draws - $1,500 on November 30th and December 24th

For more information and to purchase your tickets please go to

The odds of winning are pretty good, and the benefits we reap from sales go directly to help with the finances for our club.
Your continuing support of this campaign is greatly appreciated!

Our Sponsors

Upcoming Events

29 Mar 2025;
08:30AM - 06:00PM
Round Up
03 Apr 2025;
07:00PM - 09:00PM

League Schedules

League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.

Our Sponsors