Our Club runs on volunteerism “ the altruistic activity where an individual or group provides services for no financial or social gain”
We are successful in thanks to all the volunteers and efforts made over many, many, years.
Our Club runs on money; which we all contribute in the form of membership fees, advertising and fundraising. The new advertising, updated brochures, and personalized rock handles were successful fundraising initiatives.
In the summer months, the club members enjoy Euchre and Bocce Ball Nights.
This year we have had, Andres famous yard sale, The Golf Tournament, registration nights, introduction to curling for the youth in our community with Curling 101 sessions, The Four Town Bonspiels, The Sticky Bun Bonspiel, New Beginnings Bonspiel, Santa Day with chili, hotdogs and the famous Turkey Throw. An expanded Youth League, a new Saturday League, and Adult Learn to Curl are underway...and the season is just beginning.
This all contributes to the success of the club and allows for major club upgrades like a new furnace, flooring and updated Women's change room!